Abstract—In this paper, the effect of mobility tensor on the residence time distribution (RTD) for viscoelastic fluids in the tubular reactor have been investigated using the conformational models. From industrial point of view, determination of the residence time distribution for viscoelastic fluids in tubular reactors is very important because it is used to achieving optimum performance conditions of tubular reactor. In order to determinate the residence time distribution function for viscoelastic fluids in the tubular reactor, the conformational rheological models and the motion equations have been considered together. The model predictions have been compared for the two families of mobility expressions. The Study of the model prediction sensitivity to its mobility term shows that model predictions can cover a wide range of exprimental results for residence time distribution generally observed for viscoelastic fluids in the tubular reactor.
Index Terms—Conformational models, mobility tensor, tubular reactor, viscoelastic fluid
The authors are with the Department of Chemical Engineering, North Branch, Islamic Azad University, and Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding author: phone +(98 21 88787204); fax: +(98 21 88787204), Email: mahyar_saleh@yahoo.com; e-mail:msg1778@yahoo.com; e-mail: n_majidian@iau-tnb.ac.ir; e-mail: Sub_zeron2@yahoo.com)
Cite: Mahyar Saleh, Mohamad Samipourgiry, Nasrollah Majidian, and Amir Sahand Gooyavar, "Effect of Mobility Tensor on the Residence Time Distribution for Viscoelastic Fluids in the Tubular Reactor," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 11-14, 2012.
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