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General Information
Prof. Adrian Olaru
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
I'm happy to take on the position of editor in chief of IJMO. It's a journal that shows promise of becoming a recognized journal in the area of modelling and optimization. I'll work together with the editors to help it progress.
IJMO 2012 Vol.2(1): 53-57 ISSN: 2010-3697
DOI: 10.7763/IJMO.2011.V1.85

FPGA Implementation of Self Tuned Fuzzy Controller Hand off Mechanism

Vikas M. N., Keshava K. N., Prabhas R. K., and Hameem Shanavas I.

Abstract—This paper presents a field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of a self-tuned fuzzy controller hand off mechanism in cellular networks. The proposed approach integrates a fuzzy logic approach with simulated annealing algorithm to automate the tuning process. The fuzzy controller carries out inference operation at high-speed, whereas the tuning procedure works at a much lower rate. For the implementation described in this paper, a two-input-one output fuzzy controller is considered. Both the inputs and the output have 8- bit resolution, and up to seven membership functions for each input or output can be defined over the universe of discourse. The fuzzy controller has two levels of pipeline which allows overlapping of the arithmetic as well as inference operations. The SA tuning mechanism adjusts the triangular or singleton membership functions to minimize a cost function. The complete self-tuned fuzzy inference engine is implemented in a Xilinx SPARTAN3 XC3S200 series FPGA device. This paper describes various aspects of the implementation of the self-tuned hand off system.

Index Terms—Fuzzy controller, fuzzifier, simulated annealing, handoff.

The authors are Post Graduation Scholar of ECE, M. V. J College of Engineering ,Bangalore, India.(email: vikasmannat@gmail.com; email: kesha vakn@gmail.com; mail: prabhas_r_k@yahoo.com; email: hameemshan@gm ail.com).


Cite: Vikas M. N., Keshava K. N., Prabhas R. K., and Hameem Shanavas I., "FPGA Implementation of Self Tuned Fuzzy Controller Hand off Mechanism," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 53-57, 2012.

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