Abstract—Highway congestions can cause considerable impact on loss of time and delays displacement. This article introduces a new method of explanation of the congestion in contrast to conventional method of vehicles capacity on the highways. This method is primarily based on the Cellular Automata (CA) concept introduced by Nagel and Schreckenberg in 1992 [1]. Dynamic Traffic Cellular Automata (DTCA) is also explained with emphasis on the acceleration, the deceleration, and the reaction factors. Different in speeds changing and delays in start-up are discussed for being important reasons of the highway congestions. Recognizing the impacts of slandered deviation on congestion shapes is overviewed in this paper.
Index Terms—Acceleration factor (α), cellular automata (CA), congestion, deceleration factor (β), dynamic traffic cellular automata (DTCA), reaction factor (pd).
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, Curtin University, WA, Australia (e-mail: a.alghamdi5@ postgrad.curtin.edu.au;erem@exchange. curtin. edu.au; h. pakka@postgrad. curtin. edu.au).
Cite: Ahmed S. AlGhamdi, Halit Eren, and Hariani Pakka, "Microscopic Analysis of Highway Congestion by DTCA Model," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 136-140, 2012.
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