Abstract—Ground access mode choice models to airports has been studied by researchers in the past 3 decades for the analysis and prediction of air travelers choice of travel mode to airports and the application of their results to planning and managing airport systems and urban (suburb) transportation. This study investigates the behavior of air passengers in accessing Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKIA), using data collected from face to face interview surveys conducted exclusively for this purpose. Two stated-preference questionnaires were designed and administered on a 24 hour basis for a duration of 2 weeks in May and June 2011. Based on the 2649 sample, binary logit models were calibrated for public (metro, shuttle bus and shuttle van) and private transport (private car-drop off, private car-parked and rental car). Results indicate that airport access mode choice is significantly affected by travel time, trip purpose, monthly income and private car ownership. Also results of models by air trip purpose show that business travelers tend to pay more to use private transport to access IKIA than non-business travelers.
Index Terms—Binary logit model, ground access, mode choice, stated preference.
A. R. Mamdoohi and M. Saffarzadeh is an assistant professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Tarbiat Modares University (e-mail: armamdoohi@ modares.ac.ir; saffar_m@ modares.ac.ir).
A. Taherpour and M. Yazdanpanah works as a Transportation Planner at Parseh Transportation Research Center (e-mail: a_taherpour62@yahoo.com; mahdy46@gmail.com).
Cite: A. R. Mamdoohi, M. Saffarzade, A. Taherpour, and M. Yazdan Panah, "Modeling Air Passengers' Ground Access Mode Choice a Case Study of IKIA," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 147-152, 2012.
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