Abstract—In the era of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), the technologies supporting Communications, Sensing & Surveillance mechanisms, and Information & Control systems are spread through the road infrastructure, the vehicles and the users. Their critical mission is the endorsement of efficient, safety and environmental-friendly transport networks that promote the citizens’ quality of life. This complex and multidisciplinary challenge requires a conceptual framework to guide the operations and to integrate systems, processes, tools, personnel, and data. In addition, a modular platform with proper modeling, simulating, and visualization capabilities is critical to understand the system-in-analysis, to support well-informed decisions, and to involve the general public in the traffic & environment issue. This work describes the main features of contemporary ITS, emphasizing the Portuguese case, and describes the fundamental modeling & simulation tools that are considered critical to support the daily operation of the urban transportation system.
Index Terms—Geographical Information Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, modelling, traffic microsimulation.
A. L. Ramos and J. V. Ferreira are with GOVCOPP, Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal (e-mail: aramos@ua.pt; josev@ua.pt).
J. Barceló is with the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Technical University of Catalonia, 08034 Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: jaume.barcelo@upc.es).
Cite: Ana Luísa Ramos, José Vasconcelos Ferreira, and Jaume Barceló, "Modeling & Simulation for Intelligent Transportation Systems," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 274-279, 2012.
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