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General Information
    • ISSN: 2010-3697  (Online)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Model. Optim.
    • Frequency:  Semi-annual 
    • DOI: 10.7763/IJMO
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Adrian Olaru
    • Executive Editor: Ms. Yoyo Y. Zhou
    • Abstracting/ Indexing: INSPEC(IET), CNKI, EBSCO, ProQuest,Google ScholarElectronic Journals Library, etc.
    • E-mail: ijmo@iacsitp.com
    • APC: 500USD
Prof. Adrian Olaru
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
I'm happy to take on the position of editor in chief of IJMO. It's a journal that shows promise of becoming a recognized journal in the area of modelling and optimization. I'll work together with the editors to help it progress.
IJMO 2012 Vol.2(3): 338-341 ISSN: 2010-3697
DOI: 10.7763/IJMO.2012.V2.139

Nonlinear Oscillation in Potential Transformers Connected Controlling Circuit

Hamid Radmanesh, Mohammad Bakhshandeh, and Hamid Mohammad Hossein

Abstract—In this work at first ferroresonance phenomenon is introduced and then various type of ferroresonance overvoltages in a potential transformer is simulated. Then effect of neutral earth resistance on controlling these oscillations in the case of nonlinear core losses has been studied. Core losses in the potential transformer are modelled by third order power series in terms of voltage and include nonlinearities in core losses. It is expected that neutral earth resistance generally can cause ferroresonance ‘dropout'. For confirmation this aspect Simulation has been done on a one phase potential transformer rated 100VA, 275kV. The simulation results show that connecting the neutral earth resistance on the system configuration, shows a great controlling effect on ferroresonance oscillation.

Index Terms—Ferroresonance oscillation, stabilizing, chaos control, potential transformer, nonlinear core losses, neutral earth resistance.

Hamid Radmanesh is with Electrical Engineering Department, Shahab Danesh Institute of Higher Education, ghom, Iran (e-mail: Hamid.radmanesh@aut.ac.ir).
Moammad Bakhshandeh is with Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. (e-mail: Hamid.nsa@gmail.com). Hamid Mohammad Hossein is with Department of National Defence, Supreme National Defence University, Tehran, Iran.(e-mail: Hmh.1343@yahoo.com)
Hamid Mohammad Hossein is with Department of National Defence, Supreme National Defence University, Tehran, Iran.(e-mail: Hmh.1343@yahoo.com)


Cite: Hamid Radmanesh, Mohammad Bakhshandeh, and Hamid Mohammad Hossein, "Nonlinear Oscillation in Potential Transformers Connected Controlling Circuit," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 338-341, 2012.

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