Abstract—In this paper is introduced a new algorithm by index parameters at grid environment with static scheduled that this proposed algorithm is used as more efficient method than previous studied algorithms. RQSG algorithm can increase the efficiency rather than previous algorithms using index parameters, and also is introduced a new technique method using proposed algorithm for better optimizing with mixing of communication cost and fitness function. In this situation is used choosing the best tasks with RQSG algorithm to create a suitable method for solving the problem which this method didn’t use in previous algorithms. It will be introduced an algorithm for optimized choosing of processing sources based on a technique method, that with this algorithm and also with various simulations is increased the reliability and dependability in competition of previous algorithms. Also this algorithm has decreased dramatically the certification time of final processing source with the most optimized state. Finally the mentioned algorithm has increased the servicing quality for using the task in processing sources and also has created the best state of optimized path in index parameters at grid environment.
Index Terms—Genetic algorithm; scheduling; grid systems; dependentttask; RQSG
The authors are with the Department of Computer Science, Payam Noor University, and Tehran, Iran.
Cite: Arash Ghorbannia Delavar and Mohsen Khajeh naeini, "A New Algorithm by Index Parameters at Grid Environment with Static Scheduling," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 213-216, 2012.
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