Abstract—Reality mining project work on Ubiquitous Mobile Systems (UMSs) that allow for automated capturing of events. Reality Mining demonstrates the power of collecting not only communication information but also location and proximity data from mobile phones over an extended period. On the other hand Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the process as it is being executed. Process mining also supports analysis of the performance of processes including Qualitative and Quantitative analysis for captured process model. This paper introduces process mining to modeling and analyzing reality mining dataset using heuristic miner and social activities miner to present two different patterns extracted from reality mining dataset via process mining techniques using ProM framework.
Index Terms—Process mining; workflow mining; reality mining; ubiquitous computing; Complex social systems; User modeling; social network analysis.
O. M. Hassan is with the Department of Mathematics, Facility of Science Al-Azhar University Cairo, Egypt (e-mail: ohassan@azhar.edu.eg).
M. S. Farag is with the Department of Mathematics, Facility of Science Al-Azhar University Cairo, Egypt (e-mail: farag.sayed@azhar.edu.eg).
M. M. Mohie El-Din is with the Department of Mathematics, Facility of Science Al-Azhar University Cairo, Egypt (e-mail: mmeldin@azhar.edu.eg).
Cite: O. M. Hassan, M. S. Farag, and M. M. Mohie El-Din, "Reality Mining Via Process Mining," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 250-254, 2012.
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