Abstract—Transit networks in the real world are similar to data transfer across a computer network. In this paper, we present the similarity and differences between computer networks and transit networks. We have developed a passenger-flow simulation model and we tested the effects of transit services provided on passengers in term of delay and passenger quality of service. We present the passenger’s behavior at bus stops, factors that affect passenger’s interactions with buses, and the performance of buses. The objective of this research is to provide operators with improved metrics and better tools to manage the public transit network. In this paper, the overall transit network performance has been evaluated and summarized.
Index Terms—Bus tracking, passenger flow, quality of service, simulation.
The authors are with the Department of Computer Science, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland (e-mail: bsalaik@cs.nuim.ie; rjacob@cs.nuim.ie; adamw@cs.nuim.ie).
Cite: Bashir Shalaik, Ricky Jacob, and Adam C. Winstanley, "Modeling Passenger-Flow in Real-Time Bus Tracking System," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 432-435, 2012.
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