Abstract—This paper reports particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique for selective harmonic elimination (SHE) in pulse width modulated inverter. A PSO based optimization technique is proposed to minimize the overall THD of the output voltage of PWM inverter and corresponding switching angles are computed. This method is applied for the bipolar switching in three phase inverter for three switching angles and five switching angles. The switching angles are computed to completely eliminate the lower order harmonics. The result of the bipolar case using three switching angles are compared with that of a recently reported work, based on PSO technique, and is observed that the proposed method is effective in eliminating the lower order harmonics completely and overall THD is reducing to a greater extent than the previously reported work.
Index Terms—elective harmonic elimination (SHE), particle swarm optimization(PSO), pulse width modulation (PWM).
Bijayalaxmi, A. Dasgupta, and J. Yadagari are with school of Electrical Engineering at KIIT University, India in 2008. (e-mail: bijayalaxmi@yahoo.co.in; dg.abhijit@gmail.com; yadagiri@gmail.com).
B. Kumar is Lecturer in Electrical Department at IGIT Sarang, Odisha, India.(e-mail: brijesh@igitsarang.ac.in)
J. Yadagari was Assistant Professor at KIIT University. (email:yadagiri@gmail.com)
Cite: Bijayalaxmi Patra, Brijesh Kumar, J. Yadagiri, and A. Dasgupta, "Estimation of Switching Angles by Using PSO of Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 513-517, 2012.
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