Abstract—In this paper, the researchers have presented a Game Theoretic model for identifying bad or malicious users in a collaborative wireless network. Objective of the malicious users is to damage the collaborative wireless network. To bind the damage caused Game theory provides an inventive mechanism. The proposed approach helps in obtaining optimal wireless network. The model is based on graphical representation and repeated graphical games with incomplete information. The framework is applicable to any general network topology.
Index Terms—Collaborative networks, incomplete information, repeated game.
S. U. Purohit is with Department of Mathematics, Kirti College and Department of Technology and Mgmt, NMITD, Mumbai, India (e – mail: supurohit@gmail.com)
V. Mahadevan is with Information Systems & eBusiness, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. (e–mail: vmahadevan@swin.edu.au)
D. U. Purohit is with Dept. of Applied Mathematics, DIAT (DU), Girinagar, Pune, India (e - mail:devank.purohit@gmail.com)
Cite: Seema U. Purohit, Venkatesh Mahadevan, Shruti D. Mantri, and Devank. U. Purohit, "Game Theoretic Inventive Mechanism for Shielding Collaborative Wireless Network," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 554-557, 2012.
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