Abstract—In the present era Chaos theory has tremendous potential in Computer Science Domain. The true potential of Chaos theory can be realized with the assistance of high performance computing aids such as GPU that have become available in present times. The main purpose is to develop a high performance experimental laboratory in academic institutions, for analysis of chaotic systems. In this paper we present the parallel implementation of One Dimensional Logistic Map on NVIDIA GeForce 9400 GT Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) which is a CUDA enabled GPU as a first step towards this direction. We report that the GPU version of Logistic Map executes 495.08 times faster than the CPU only version.
Index Terms—Chaos theory, CUDA, GPU, logistic map.
Saurabh Maniktala and Anisha Goel are with Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, GGSIPU, New Delhi, India. (e-mail: sam.maniktala@gmail.com; anishagoel14@gmail.com).
A. B. Patki and R. C. Meharde are with Department of Information Technology, MCIT New Delhi, India (e-mail: abpatki@gmail.com; rmeharde@mit.gov.in).
Cite: Saurabh Maniktala, Anisha Goel, A. B. Patki, and R. C. Meharde, "Dawn of GPU Era-Potentials of Chaos Theor," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 584-588, 2012.
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