Abstract—In this paper I present a biometrics system performing identification, of automatic face recognition. This system is based on Gabor features extraction using Log Gabor filter bank construction. For feature extraction the input image is convolve with log Gabor filter bank to select a set of informative and non-redundant Gabor features. The extracted features are again subjected to Discrete Radom Transform (DRT) to extract a sequence of feature vectors. The HMM (Hidden Markov Models) is used for matching the input face image to the stored images. The purpose of this research is to develop a novel, accurate and efficient face verification system.
Index Terms—HMM, gabor, face.
F. A. Ankita Nigam is with the Sriram Institute of S Technology, Jabalpur, 482002 India(e-mail: rajeev441220@yahoo.com).
S. B. Rajeev Shrivastava was with TIETECH Jabalpur. He is now with the Department of Electronics &communication, GRKIST Jabalpur, M. P. 482003 India (e-mail:rajeev441220@rediffmail.com).
Cite: Ankita Nigam and Rajeev Shrivastava, "Analysis and Performance of Face Recognition System Using Log Gabor Filter Bank with HMM Model," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 592-596, 2012.
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