Abstract—In this paper, a comprehensive dynamic modeling and power management of hybrid power genaration including renewable power gearation and energy storage system in grid connected applications is presented. The studied system comprises Wind Turbine (WT), Fuel Cell (FC) as power generation systems and super capacitor as storage system. Due to unpredictable dynamic behyvior of Wind, the FC system is used to enhance the reliability of studied system. However, the FC system have slow dynamic. To solve this problem, super capacitor is used to supply load demand completely. The basic target of this system is that the hybrid system satisfies domestic load completely and the excessive power can be sent to grid system. The real datas of weather are used to be this research more applicable.
Index Terms—grid connected power generation, hybrid power generation, renewable energy.
Majid Nayeripour is with the Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran, (corresponding author to provide phone: +987117264103; fax: +987117353502; e-mail: nayeri@ sutech.ac.ir).
Mohammad Hoseintabar was with Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran. (e-mail: Mohammadhoseintabar @yahoo.com).
Cite: Majid Nayeripour, Mohammad Hoseintabar, "A Comprehesnive Dynamic Modeling of Grid Connected Hybrid Renewable Power Generation and Storage System," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 62-65, 2011.
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